Injecting Inspiration on a Global Scale
Integrated Values Services Limited is a global plastic injection molder with world-class facilities in the African. By applying consistent and stringent ISO-certified standards in every location, our clients trust us to provide safe, reliable and extremely consistent processes and products, regardless of where they are produced.

Each facility is staffed locally, offering expertise in plastic injection molding, tooling, production, quality and logistics, is fully supported and connected with our centralized design and engineering team, and provides the same high level of quality and service.

Our global project management system offers OEMs the advantages of developing projects locally then sourcing and manufacturing them in any one, or more, of our globally located facilities. For example, OEMs save shipping costs by molding large parts close to where they are needed. Smaller parts requiring more assembly, or a greater amount of labor, may be more cost effective produced in Africa. In some instances, there are advantages to running production in more than one location.

Each of our facilities is equipped for contract manufacturing, enabling local sourcing and cost savings for those needs.

All of our molds are designed and built such that any molds built in our company can run at any of our facilities – so you benefit from a plastic injection molding system that is globally focused and equipped to provide you the best cost savings and competitive advantage.